Thursday, 20 June 2013

Random Favourites

Heya :) ♥

So instead of doing a normal beauty blog I thought I would do a random favourites blog, but not like an end of the month favourites as you can see it isn't the end of the month but a mid-month favourites blog. 

Favourite Movie 
So recently I have been watching more movies as summer has finally started but all my other friends are still at school so I have just been sitting around my house catching up on movies I have missed due to revision and having two little brothers that never want to watch what I want to watch even if it is one of their favourites (silly boys). So my favourite movie is HAIRSPRAY. 

I feel like this movie is a real pick me up sort of movie and anytime I feel down or depressed I watch this movie and I have an instant simile on my face for the rest of the day. My favourite part of the whole film is the ending. I just fell like the ending was put together really well, that it wasn't to cheesy that it made you cringe but it also wasn't to predictable that you knew what would happen which I think is hard to find in alot of new movies.

Favourite T.V. Show 
Currently I have been obsessing over BONDI RESCUE. I just really seem to enjoy it. It is like a documentary but a lot more interesting, I feel mean saying that but I do find some documentaries slightly boring and to factual, but I also like that it isn't predictable 'as you will never know what is going to happen on the busiest beach on the world' ( said in my voice-over voice). It is about a group of lifeguards that patrol Bondi Beach as it happens, and you get to see all the different scenarios that get thrown at them and how they deal with it and how they also have a laugh in between and enjoy it. Also some of the lifeguards are kinda hot. Teehee ! 

Favourite Ice-Cream Flavour 
Last week I was in town and I can't remember what shop I walked into but it had a deal on Ben & Jerry's ice cream and I almost died. No exaggeration is needed here. My all time favourite Ben & Jerry's ice cream was on sale and I was not about to miss it. Now don't get me wrong I love all Ben & Jerry ice creams but every one must have a favourite, and mine just happens to be CHOCOLATE FUDGE BROWNIE, no doubt about it and I'm not ashamed to admit it when the sale was on I ate two big tubs of the heaven in one week an I'll tell you one thing I could not care about the calories that I ate when eating those two tubes. OH MY GOODNESS my mouth is watering now as I speak/write

Favourite Fizzy Drink/Soda 
During the exams I thought I would go healthy and drink diet coke instead of regular coke as that that is my attempt of cutting down. And also now Coca-Cola are putting names on the coke so everyone wants to find their own name an guess what I did. After about a month of searching  and finding cousin's names and brother's names an names I din't know existed till recently I finally found my own name and I was over joyed, and because of all this searching I have become slightly addicted but am trying to control myself. 

Favourite Food 
I feel like this  whole blog is ever so slightly unhealthy but I can guarantee you that this favourite is a bit healthier. So because it is now summer, there are now more summer fruits on offer that are fresh and so good that I could live on summer fruits for the rest of my life. But when it comes to summer fruits I find them nicer in the summer as they haven't been imported from really far away but have been grown locally and are really fresh so I tend to eat a lot more fruit during summer as they taste nicer so my favourite food is STRAWBERRIES. They are just so sweet and tasty and bite-sized which is what I also love about summer fruits you can just sit and pick at the fruit. 

So I hope this blog wasn't to long an rambly. An now that the exams are over I will be blogging a lot more over summer so if you have any requests of what I should blog about let me know in the comments below an I will try and do that for you. 

Hope you all have a great day and I will talk to you later ♥